Welcome to Edu Plus Schools
Management System

Edu Plus Schools ( Edu Plus Smart Cada Kit ) is a Schools Management Software of Edu Plus Network where schools can manage and administer their schools' activities online (online application forms, online result checker e-Pins, finance, showcasing etc)






Application e-Pin
Result Checker
Returning Students
Dedicated Page

What you can do on Edu Plus Schools?

Below are a list of things you can do on Edu Plus Schools

Online Application

Allows fresh/new students to apply online with an e-Pin

Online Application

Allows fresh/new students to apply online with an e-Pin
Apply Now

Online Result Checker

Students of respective schools can check their results online

Online Result Checker

Students of respective schools can check their results online
Click Here

Manage Finance

Manage all school's financial records with ease and stress-free

Manage Finance

Manage all school's financial records with ease and stress-free
Click Here

Manage Staffs

Manage all staffs activities online

Manage Staffs

Manage all staffs activities online
Click Here

Showcase School

Get a dedicated page to showcase your school on a global scale

Showcase School

Get a dedicated page to showcase your school on a global scale
Click Here

Computer Based Test

Conduct examinations online otherwise known as Computer Based Text (CBT)

Computer Based Test

Conduct examinations online otherwise known as Computer Based Text (CBT)
Click Here

Manage Staffs

Manage all staffs activities online

Manage Staffs

Manage all staffs activities online
Click Here

Showcase School

Get a dedicated page to showcase your school on a global scale

Showcase School

Get a dedicated page to showcase your school on a global scale
Click Here

See Demo

Take a look at our demo site

Visit Demo Page

Go to our demo site to view a live copy
See Demo

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    SlideWe want to be the reason while you smile when you get that unexpected bank alert Get Started Schools Management System Edu Plus Manage your school online with SlideWe want to be the reason while you smile when you get that unexpected bank alert Get Started Earn Through Referral Commissions Edu Plus Become an affiliate marketer on SlideWe want to be the reason while you smile when you get that unexpected bank alert Get Started Tutorials & Logical Solutions Edu Plus Get programming solutions on SlideWe want to be the reason while you smile when you get that unexpected bank alert Get Started Online & Offline Coding Classes Edu Plus Learn how to design websites on SlideWe want to be the reason while you smile when you get that unexpected bank alert Get Started Learn, Earn and Relearn Edu Plus Learn how to design websites on
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  • Edu Plus Coding
    Learn and earn through our affiliate and multi-level marketing system. Learn at your convenience, anywhere, any day, anytime, no rush
    Edu Plus Coding Benefits
    1. Learn at your convenience
    2. Learn from anywhere
    3. Download Free Premium WordPress Themes
    4. Get Logical Solutions (Free)
  • Edu Plus Tutorials
    Edu Plus Tutorials is the Multi-Level Marketing phase of Edu Plus Network that gives registered members the opportunity to make a residual income for just telling prospective members (i.e Friends, Colleagues and Family) about Edu Plus Network
    Edu Plus Tutorial Benefits
    1. Make Money
    2. Learn Coding
    3. Download Free Premium WordPress Themes
    4. Get Logical Solutions (Free)
  • Edu Plus Schools
    Edu Plus Schools is the Multi-Level Marketing phase of Edu Plus Network that gives registered members the opportunity to make a residual income for just telling prospective members (i.e Friends, Colleagues and Family) about Edu Plus Network
    Edu Plus Schools Benefits
    1. Make Money
    2. Learn Coding
    3. Download Free Premium WordPress Themes
    4. Get Logical Solutions (Free)
  • Edu Plus Affiliate
    Edu Plus Affiliate is the Marketing division of Edu Plus Network that gives registered members the opportunity to make a residual income by just telling prospective members ( i.e Friends, Colleagues & Family ) about Edu Plus Network
    Edu Plus Affiliate Benefits
    1. Make Money
    2. Learn Coding
    3. Download Free Premium WordPress Themes
    4. Get Logical Solutions (Free)
  • Total Mop :
    This account is frozen. You can not mop at the moment. You need to unfreeze in other to mop up. Click on the unfreeze button below if you wish to unfreeze this account.
  • Total Mop :
    The mop up tool is to help/enable you collect all your earnings from all linked accounts into your parent account. This is to enable you manage your finance with ease from one central account and wallet. Simply click on the button below to mop up now.
  • Freeze Entire Wallet
    If you freeze your wallet, it simply means your account financial system will be completely frozen and financial activities wont be able to happen on your account. This is for security reasons.
  • [display_plus_user_name]
  • Security Settings
    Keep your account secured from unahtorised access
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