Basic Computer Networking

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Course Description

This course provides a solid foundation for understanding the fundamental concepts, technologies, and applications of computer networking. By delving into the various subtopics covered in this course, learners will gain a deep appreciation of the intricacies of computer network architecture, protocols, routing, switching, security, and advanced networking trends. This knowledge equips them with the skills and expertise necessary to design, implement, manage, and troubleshoot computer networks effectively, preparing them for success in the rapidly evolving field of information technology and computer networking.

Aim & Objective

Students completing this course will have the following skills and knowledge:
  • Understanding of computer networking concepts and technologies
  • Familiarity with various network protocols and addressing mechanisms
  • Ability to design and configure simple computer networks
  • Proficiency in routing, switching, and network services
  • Understanding of network security principles and practices
  • Ability to troubleshoot and resolve basic network problems
  • Awareness of virtualization and cloud computing networking aspects
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You will learn the following

  • Networking technologies
  • Network fundamentals
  • Basic network security
  • Routing and switching

Course Lessons ( Modules)

Introduction to Computer Networks

  • Overview of networks and their significance
  • Different types of networks (LAN, WAN, MAN)
  • Network topologies and their characteristics
  • Types of network devices (routers, switches, hubs)

Network Fundamentals

  • Overview of Network Architecture
  • Network Topologies
  • Transmission Media and Methods

Network Protocols and Standards

  • Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP)
  • Network Application Protocols
  • Network Standards and Organizations
  • The role of protocols in network communication
  • Network addressing and subnetting (IPv4, IPv6)
  • Network standards and their importance (IEEE, IETF)

Network Media and Transmission

  • Exploring different network media (wired and wireless)
  • Transmission methods and their characteristics (simplex, half-duplex, full-duplex)
  • Network bandwidth and throughput
  • Interference and noise in network transmission

Routing and Switching

  • Fundamentals of routing and switching
  • Routers and Routing Protocols
  • Switching and Bridges
  • Forwarding and switching tables
  • Virtual LANs (VLANs)
  • Network congestion and traffic control

Basic Network Security

  • Overview of Network Security
  • Encryption and Authentication
  • Network Security Policies and Procedures

Networking Technologies

  • Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
  • Network Virtualization
  • Cloud Computing and Networking
  • Proficiency Quiz

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